OPEN DAYS 2015: Meet your NSPA colleagues

The NSPA network invites you to a short seminar and networking reception on Monday 12 October at 16.45. The short seminar will focus on Growth from the North in the context of the Northern Sparsely Populated Areas

Time: Monday 12 October 16:45-19:00
Venue: Mid Sweden European Office, Avenue Palmerston 3, B-1000 Brussels

On Monday the 12th of October the NSPA network wishes to highlight the report Growth from the North published in January 2015. Growth from the North is a co-production of an expert group set up by the Prime Ministers of Norway, Sweden and Finland in April 2014. The full report can be read on the webpage of the Finnish Prime Minister's Office. One of the authors of the report, Anne Husebekk of the University of Tromsø will join us to discuss how Norway, Sweden and Finland can achieve sustainable growth in the European Arctic, followed by comments from Swedish and Finnish stakeholders.

Please register your attendance here.

16:45 - 17:15 Registration and refreshments

17:15 - 17:20 Welcoming words Kari Aalto, NSPA chairman, Director, East and North Finland EU Office

17:20 - 17:35 "Growth from the North" How can Norway, Sweden and Finland achieve sustainable growth in the European Arctic? Anne Husebekk, Rector, University of Tromsø -The Arctic University of Norway.

17:35 - 17:40 Comments from Pasi Rantahalvari, Councellor on Regional Development, Finland's Permanent Representation to the European Union.

17:40 - 17:45 Comments from Mats-Rune Bergström, Director Governor's Staff, County Administrative Board of Västerbotten, Sweden.

17:45 - 19:00 Networking reception

19:00 End

Moderator: Mikael Janson, Director, North Sweden European Office

10 Sep 2015