The NSPA seminar, on the 29th of November in the European Parliament, hosted by Swedish MEP Jens Nilsson and Finnish MEP Riikka Manner attracted more than 70 participants to get new thoughts on the value of EU Cohesion Policy in the NSPA. Invited speakers discussed the role of territorial cooperation and the importance of smart specialization to realize regional development potential. Participants also had the chance to hear about lessons learned from the NSPA experience and good examples from regions with different specificities.
NSPA representatives from Finland, Sweden and Norway met with the European Commission Directorate-General of Regional and Urban Policy, on the 28th of November, to discuss and give their position on the on-going negotiations on the EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework.
Welcome to a seminar on the value of EU Cohesion Policy in the NSPA. Invited speakers will discuss the role of territorial cooperation and the importance of smart specialisation to realise regional development potential. Looking at what lessons that can be learnt from the NSPA experience this seminar aims to provide good examples for other European regions with different specificities. Hosted by Swedish MEP Jens Nilsson (S&D) and Finnish MEP Riikka Manner (ALDE).
The NSPA seminar during the Open Days 2012 attracted more than 150 participants, amongst others several representatives from the European Commission and the European Parliament. Focusing on regional east-west cross border cooperation in the northernmost part of Europe, one of the conclusions of the seminar debate was the crucial importance of working across borders in the High North.
The Northern Sparsely Populated Areas network invites you to a cocktail event, after the official NSPA seminar, on Tuesday 9 October at 17.00.
The Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA) network cordially invites you to the OPEN DAYS 2012 seminar. The seminar will focus on the role of NSPA in regional east-west cross-border cooperation and its contribution to create added value for the whole of Europe.
Tuesday, 5th June, the NSPA network organized a breakfast meeting in the European Parliament on how EU cohesion policy can realize the enormous potential and help overcome the obstacles faced in the NSPA. The meeting was hosted by Finnish MEP Riikka Manner (ALDE) and Swedish MEP Jens Nilsson (S&D) and attracted around 30 participants.
We are pleased to welcome you to a breakfast in the European Parliament highlighting the potential and obstacles faced by the Northern Sparsely POpulated Areas. Swedish MEP Jens Nilsson (S&D) and Finnish MEP Riikka Manner (ALDE) will lead a discussion on how EU cohesion policy can realize the enormous potential and overcome the obstacles faced by EUrope's far north.
On the 24th April the NSPA and the Bothnian Corridor Group organized a seminar in the European Parliament about raw materials and transport in the northernmost parts of Europe. Hosting the seminar were MEPs Marita Ulvskog and Liisa Jaakonsaari and with keynote speakers from the European Commission, representatives from the NSPA and from the raw material industry, the seminar attracted around 50 participants.
The NSPA Forum in Sundsvall gathered around 60 participants to discuss the future cohesion policy and to adopt the NSPA position paper on the legislative package of cohesion policy 2014-2020.