THE NSPA POSITION IN BRIEF The NSPA welcomes the initiatives to protect and improve ecosystems with lost or impaired function and finds it positive that the aim is wide and include all the ecosystems across the Europe.
The NSPA Bioeconomy and Energy Working Group would like to invite stakeholders in the NSPA regions to a meeting on EU energy issues. The aim of the meeting is to share the newest development in the EU, with a focus on the effects from the war in Ukraine and the current energy crisis.
That was the very clear message from Nils Kristian Sørheim Nilsen, the Director of North Norway European Office, on behalf of the NSPA yesterday.
How can we increase focus on Arctic issues and strengthen cooperation with the EU network? These questions were raised by the Arctic Five during their visit to Brussels for the Nordic University Days and meeting with relevant Arctic actors. The three European offices of NSPA facilitated the meetings.
In June 2022, the Steering Committee of the Northern Sparsely Populated Areas approved a position poper on the European Commission’s initiative on brain drain – mitigating challenges associated with population decline. The NSPA welcomes the Commission’s ambition to contribute to reducing regional disparities in the initiative on “Brain drain”, raising the problem with population decline and the lack of skilled workforce in European regions.
The NSPA Bioeconomy and Energy working group has had a very active first year and will continue at the same pace in the coming months. The purpose of the working group is to influence the policy development of bioeconomy and energy at EU level, and to increase awareness and cross-border collaboration between the regions.
That was one of the main messages from the Arctic Infrastructure Conference last week. The conference brought together transport stakeholders across North Norway, North Sweden and North Finland in Kiruna to discuss current challenges and the future of logistics and infrastructure in the three arctic regions.
In May 2022, the NSPA Steering Committee approved a position paper on the European Commission's proposal for a revised LULUCF regulation. The NSPA supports the EU’s goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050 and recognizes the need for decisive actions towards achieving this. The NSPA supports a high-level commitment under LULUCF, which we consider a necessary regulatory tool for reducing climate impact.
On 25. March 2022, the NSPA Steering Committee adopted a position paper on the Delegated Act on Article 27(3). The NSPA welcomes the ambition of the RED II Directive in the forthcoming Delegated Act linked to Article 27(3), and the forthcoming RED III revision to increase Europe's hydrogen production. However, we would like to highlight that some parts of the DA could have the opposite effect than intended, and slow down the transition instead.
The NSPA welcomes the updated EU Arctic Policy launched 13 October 2021. The European Union is an important actor on Arctic issues together with its regional partners and stakeholders in the European Arctic of North Sweden, East and North Finland, and North Norway.