Invitation: Launch in Brussels of the OECD study on the NSPA, 13 March 2017

The NSPA Network warmly invites you to the launch in Brussels of the OECD study on the NSPA on 13th March 2017.

Welcome to the launch of the OECD report on the NSPA!

Monday 13th March 2017 at 15 to 18:00
European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, Brussels, Belgium

The event will be followed by a reception

On Monday, 13th March at 15:00, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD, will officially launch the study they have conducted on the regions in the Northern Sparse-ly Populated Areas, NSPA, in the northernmost part of Europe.

Hosted by the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels, with high-level EU representa-tives, governmental level in the countries concerned, and from the NSPA regions and others, the OECD, together with the NSPA network, will disseminate and discuss the report and its main findings.

The report delivers recommendations and proposals on actions to be taken in the regions, but al-so at national level in Sweden, Finland and Norway, as well as by the EU towards the regions. This is to strengthen the development in the northernmost parts of Europe.

You are welcome to take part in this launch event and to learn about the report.  Please register before 24th February to:

Invitation to the launch on the 13th March 

The programme is available here

14:30 Registration and coffee

15:00 Welcome words
Erik Bergkvist, NSPA representative, Chair of Region Västerbotten, Sweden

15:05 Key Notes
Markku Markkula, President of the European Committee of the Regions, Brussels
Mari Kiviniemi, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD, Paris
Normunds Popens, Deputy Director-General, DG Regio, European Commission, Brussels

15:35 Presentation of the OECD territorial review on the NSPA
Chris McDonald, Policy Analyst, Regional Development Policy, OECD, Paris

16:00 Coffee break

16:20 Introduction of panel by the moderator
Abel Schumann, Economist, Public Governance and Territorial Development, OECD, Paris

16:30 Introductory statements
Søren Kissmeyer, Senior Expert, DG AGRI, European Commission, Brussels
Jens Nilsson, Member of European Parliament, REGI and TRAN Committees, Sweden
Tomas Norvoll, NSPA representative, President of Nordland County Government, Norway
Elisabeth Backteman, State Secretary, Enterprise department, Sweden 
Kaisa‐Leena Lintilä, Director, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finland 
Grete Ellingens, State Secretary, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Norway

17:00 Panel discussion with Q&A
Panel also including Chris McDonaldErik Bergkvist and Pentti Mäkinen

17:45 Closing Remarks
Mari Kiviniemi, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD, Paris
Pentti Mäkinen, NSPA representative, County Governor South Savo, Finland

18:00 Reception with welcoming addresses from NSPA representatives
Satu Vehreävesa, Chair NSPA network, Regional Development Director Pohjois-Savo, Finland
Cecilie Myrseth, Chair of Troms County Government, Norway
Swedish regional representative
Robert Uitto, Chair of Regional Development, Region Jämtland-Härjedalen, Sweden

16 Dec 2016