Workshop: Sustainable development of the Arctic region to the benefit of all of Europe - 9th October during EWRC

The regional Partnership of Northern European Arctic, consisting of northern Sweden, Finland and Norway in the Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA), the Highlands and Island of Scotland and Arctic Consensus, North Danmark, hereby invites to a workshop on sustainable development of the arctic region to the benefit of all Europe at 14.30 and 16.00 with an arctic ceremony under the annual European Week of Regions and Cities.

The European Arctic is situated at the heart of an on-going revival and revitalisation of the global peripheries, a process which will have impacts and benefits for the whole of Europe. The European Arctic is both vulnerable and scattered societies on the edge of Europe, as well as being at the front- line of climate adaptation and providing innovative solutions to common European challenges. These regions are also  at the centre of new geopolitical landscapes and tensions, situated on globally needed resources and new global trading routes, which are facing many colliding interests.

There are several different "Arctics". For the EU, the European Arctic is the gateway to the northern hemisphere at large, connecting central Europe to the Arctic Ocean north-south and to northern Asia respectively America east-west. Due to this,  EU is increasingly engaged in the sustainable development of the Arctic and so are the regions in the European Arctic in the North Atlantic and the Nordics. The way ahead is a more adapted support and strategic cooperation cross borders. Research and innovation play an important role for a more integrated development.

The workshop will present relevant directions for the European Arctic to cope with external pressures and foster its own development capacity  and will discuss the facilitating role the EU can play, focussing on smart specialisation, innovation and capacity building. It will feature a debate with leading research representatives, policy makers and practitioners from the region and the EU, together with a scene setter by the Nordic Council of Ministers research institute Nordregio.

The workshop at Scotland House (Rond-Point Schuman 6, Brussels) will be  followed by the 2018 Arctic Award reception, where Arctic Cooperation, the network of EU Arctic programmes, will announce the winners  of the best Arctic cooperation projects.

The workshop is fully booked!

Here you can read the program

Read more about European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC)

For further information, please contact Mikael Janson at North Sweden European Office for the lead partnership region Västerbotten: 

01 Okt 2018