Cohesion policy as a tool for Smart Growth and an attractive region - Europe 2020 and the NSPA, 29th of November, 2012
Welcome to a seminar on the value of EU Cohesion Policy in the NSPA. Invited speakers will discuss the role of territorial cooperation and the importance of smart specialisation to realise regional development potential. Looking at what lessons that can be learnt from the NSPA experience this seminar aims to provide good examples for other European regions with different specificities. Hosted by Swedish MEP Jens Nilsson (S&D) and Finnish MEP Riikka Manner (ALDE).
29th of November, 2012, 13.00-14.30, European Parliament
13:00 Introduction by moderator
Mr Jens Nilsson, MEP, REGI committee
13:05 NSPA - an example for the EU
Mr Alexandre Dubois, Research Fellow, NordRegio, partner
Geospecs study on regions with specific characteristics in the EU ESPON programme
13:25 NSPA - a Smart Region?
Ms Katja Reppel, Head of Sector for smart growth, Unit G1 - Smart and sustainable growth, European Commission, DG REGIO
13:40 The Territorial Dimension of NSPA
Ms Riikka Manner, MEP, rapporteur for the European Territorial Cooperation goal, REGI committee
13:50 Will the EU Budget support growth for all EU regions?
Mr Göran Färm, MEP, coordinator budget negotiations S&D group, BUDG committee
When: 29th of November, 13.00-14.30 Lunch served from 12.15
Where: European Parliament. P5B001
If you do not hold a badge to the European Parliament, please register at the latest by the 23rd of November by sending name, nationality, date of birth, type pf ID and ID number to:
Invitation to Cohesion Policy as a tool for Smart Growth - Europe 2020 and the NSPA
The NSPA network is looking forward to seeing you on the 29th of November!